Livewire vs Inertia: Which one Should I Choose for Laravel Development?

ProfilePicture of Guilherme Assemany
Guilherme Assemany
Technical Interviewer
Inertia vs Laravel Livewire
Originally published on Mar 28, 2024Last updated on May 9, 2024

Key Takeaways

Should I use Livewire or Inertia?

If you have a profile more oriented towards back-end development, you will definitely feel more comfortable using Livewire. However, if your team includes people who are already familiar with front-end frameworks like React, Vue, or Angular, then Inertia.js may be the better choice. Inertia allows you to seamlessly integrate these frameworks into your front-end, leveraging the team's existing skills and preferences to create a more dynamic and responsive user interface.

What are the disadvantages of Livewire?

Livewire provides developers with a range of settings for optimizing performance, but it's worth noting that it can be easier to inadvertently impact performance negatively compared to frameworks like Vue or React. That’s because Livewire blurs the distinction between back-end and front-end. Ultimately, the performance outcome depends on the developer's experience and the attention to detail applied to the code.

What are the advantages of Livewire?

Livewire serves as a framework facilitating the creation of dynamic interfaces without necessitating any JavaScript coding. This can be a serious upside for back-end programmers. While this carries significant weight in the decision-making process,, this shouldn’t be the sole feature dictating your choice between Livewire and Inertia. Other advantages of Livewire is that, from an SEO standpoint, it holds an advantage (theoretically). Rendering views on the server side means content is readily available upon reaching the user's browser, potentially enhancing SEO performance.

What is Inertia.js used for?

The main role of Inertia.js is to replace your application's view layer. Instead of using traditional server-side rendering, the views returned by your application are JavaScript components. This allows you to use front-end frameworks like React, Vue, or Svelte while still utilizing your back-end framework routes, controllers, middleware, and authentication as you normally would.

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